Sunday, April 19, 2015

What Makes A Good Friend?

Part of keeping a life in balance is having substantial relationships. With your family of course, but friendships are just as important. I like to say "my friends are the family members I choose". Because when you connect with another person and share a piece of yourself with them (and vice versa) magic happens.

I was inspired to blog about this subject today after reconnecting with some long time friends recently. But truth be told I'm always inspired by my friends .... old ones and new ones. People are fascinating and it's amazing to see what we're able to do with our lives. I particularly love seeing those I care about live out their dreams. Whether it be career related, family planning, or personal health (among many other areas). This brings me joy; truly.

But friendships do not just "happen". Well, at first yes. But the deep and lasting ones require effort and investment. I stumbled upon this article about what makes a good friend. And these 7 qualities ranked highest:

1. Take a genuine interest in others

2. Be a giver, not a taker

3. Be loyal

4. Be a positive person

5. Appreciate the difference in others

6. Build on common interests

7. Be open, honest, and real

I happen to agree on all of these. And continue to be thankful that the people I keep close to me poses these qualities as well. Quality adult friendships are valuable and deserve to be treasured. Without our friends life wouldn't be as sweet, fun, or rewarding. So cheers to great friends! May we have them; may we be them. 

Thanks again for stopping by and here's to another day closer to a life in balance. 

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