A while back one of my besties asked me to write a guest spot on her awesome blog www.getitdonemommy.com about being organized. So I wanted to share it here too. Here are my tips and thoughts about home organization. Hope maybe one of these will speak to you!
The #1 reason I am organized is to reduce stress. It's that simple. I'm not OCD, I'm not a control freak, and I'm not a micro manager (just don't ask my husband if he agrees). But it's true, I keep my home, car, family, and life as organized as possible simply for that reason. I absolutely hate the way stress makes me feel and I know how unhealthy it is for your mind, body, and spirit. In addition, being an organized Mom keeps the "family machine" thriving. And lastly, being organized saves you money. Here are my favorite tips for the busy working family:
A place for everything and everything in its place. It's one of the oldest sayings but it's my #1 tip. Identify a place (that makes sense) for all categories of your household and keep like items together. Share these locations with the family so they know (and can help) maintain an organized environment. For example - "kid's school clutter". I have 2 kids and in my hall closet I have a double stack-able bin (color coded) for their school papers. When they get home I immediately empty their backpacks. Homework gets put on the dining room table, school papers get read and filed in their bins, lunch boxes get emptied and backpacks are hung in their designated spots. Whole process take 3 minutes because I have a system. I have similar systems for almost all areas of our household.
One in, one out. Give very careful thought to what you bring into your home. Is it necessary? Will you honestly use it? Do you need it? Do you have a place for it? If it fits all the above criteria then bring it home. BUT - if it's an item that you have excess of (clothes), then take something out in its place. Balance is the key here. There is only so much a person or family needs. The rest is just clutter!
When in doubt throw it out (or donate). This one explains itself. Everything you have in your home should be something you use, enjoy, and need. If you're not sure (doubt) throw it out (or donate)! Don't keep items out of guilt, and be very careful of the "I might need this someday" category (clutters' best friend).
Keep a To Do List. I keep mine on my iPhone. And each day I move the list to the next day (adding and subtracting as I go) so it's always there. As a reminder of what needs to be done.
Pay bills right away (or schedule them to be paid). Paper clutter is its own animal. Manage that by using online bill pay (usually free with your checking account). Saves you the stamp, you can pick the date for the bill to be paid, and you don't have to use your own checks. Do this the day the bill or bills come in and file or shred the paper bill immediately. Or better yet, opt for e-bills and eliminate the paper all together.
Finally, teach your children early the importance of being organized and working together as a family to keep the home a pleasant and well functioning environment for everyone.
Thanks for stopping by and here's to another day closer to a life in balance.
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