Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Best Homemade "All Purpose" Cleaner

For years I've been making my own cleaners. It's so easy, they work better and they are safer. So I wanted to share the recipe for my all purpose cleaner. I've been making it for so many years I do not even remember where I got the recipe. It was way before pinterest I can tell you that. I'll include a "bonus" recipe too for my shower cleaner as well.

But first here is my favorite all purpose cleaner recipe:

The players:

8 tsp Borax 
2/3 cup Vinegar
4 tsp Liquid Soap
1 gallon of Water
1 spray bottle

In a utility bucket, fill with 1 gallon of warm water. Add Borax (sold in any grocery store or Wal-Mart/Target) and stir until dissolved. Add remaining ingredients, stir and pour into spray bottle. Store remaining solution for refills in an empty milk carton or container of choice. Don't forget to label it so you know what it is! I use this on counter tops, table tops, floors, upholstery, appliances, you name it! Works great and better than anything you could buy. I have a separate glass cleaner recipe too which I'll share on a later post. 

As mentioned, I wanted to pass along another cleaning tip. I'm not a big fan of doing all the heavy cleaning at once or on the same day. I do a little bit every day to maintain what needs to be cleaned. Which is everything! But the shower is one of those areas that it is really easy to keep up with assuming you get into this practice. 

Shower Cleaner

The Players:

Refillable scrub brush
Dish Soap

In a refillable scrub brush, pour in equal parts vinegar and dish soap. Store in shower (sponge side up) and give the shower and tub a good "once over" every couple of days. It will discourage mildew from forming and you won't have to do a "big scrub" any day of the week. Your tile and tub will sparkle every day! 

Hope you or someone you know finds these recipes helpful and maybe even try to make your own cleaners! 

Thanks again for stopping by and here's to another step closer to a life in balance ... 


  1. Just made the APC...quarteted the recipe to fit one bottle at a time. Mixed the borax right in the bottle until dissolved by shaking. Was very easy!
    (BTW 1/4 of 2/3c. is 1.3oz- had to look that up!)

  2. Relying on cleaners mixed with natural products is better than using pure chemically-induced ones. And I highly commend you for having used homemade cleaners for years now, as they usually take some time to prepare. Ergo, many DIY-ers drop them in a few months' time. Anyway, thanks for sharing your favorite recipes. I'll make sure to try them out and let you know how it goes. Kudos!

    Courtney Morris @ Onyx Cleaning

    1. Thank you for your comments Courtney and for stopping by!
