Sunday, April 26, 2015

Pet Info Organization

Vet visits, groomer visits, vaccination records, medication schedule ... oy! How to keep it all straight!? We just entered into the pet world and with all the love and fun (along with work) comes so much to remember and keep track of! Anytime I feel like this, it sets off bells MUST CREATE A NEW SYSTEM! So that is what I recently did for our new puppy Andy. I want to make sure we never forget a heart worm pill or tick treatment. And I'm finding it's extremely important to have his vaccination records (specially rabies) easily available. If you have a pet(s), or plan to get one here is my suggestion for keeping that all balanced.

First pick up one of these bad boys:

An accordion style folder labeled with your furry friends name. 

This serves as the central location for all things related to your pet. It's also portable which is important because most of the contents will need to be provided when you are not home. Our sweet Andy is a boy, but too bad for him I only had a pink file folder. Oh well! 

Inside there are categories for each important area of his life. From vaccinations to grooming reports.

Like this:

 And when I have a vet or groomer visit (or anything requiring paperwork) this folder comes with me. I have also set reminders on my iPhone calendar for when he needs another dose of heart worm and tick preventative (purposely started both those monthly treatments on the same day) or when the flea/tick spray needs to be reapplied to the lawn. All these little systems just help you and your pet stay organized, maintain your sanity and keep your furry friend healthy and happy! 

I'm sure as we continue this journey we'll need to incorporate even more habits, but this is a good start!

Thanks for stopping by and here's to another day closer to a life in balance ...

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